Solar Trajectories
Pin-hole images by Maryjane Orley & Martin Purvis.
A series of pin-hole photographs created over 6 and 12 month periods (solstice to solstice) in 2017 and 2018. Made in empty beer cans placed around the site of old Northbrook Nursery in the north of Guernsey, the images trace the movement of the sun across the skyline.
Maryjane Orley is an interdisciplinary artist whose work involves drawing, print-making, conceptual sculpture, and installation. Over the last eight years, she has been exploring ways of defining and realising notions of emptiness and erosion and their potential for regeneration.
Welcome to the 12th issue of Site-Reading Writing Quarterly, 23 September 2022!
Site-Reading Writing Quarterly celebrates reading and writing as situated practices, releasing a special pair of seasonal reviews four times a year. For this 23 September 2022 issue, Tim Mathews reads Alisoun Sings (Nightboat Books, 2019) by Caroline Bergvall; while Caroline reads Tim’s There and Not There: Chronicles of Art and Loss (MA BIBLIOTHÈQUE, 2022). Both writers explore the visceral potential of words through their temporal spacings and materialities. For Tim, Alisoun’s bawdy feminist songs ‘return’ him rhythmically, via the Baroque musical form of the ritornello, to the melancholy of There and Not There via a key that engages freedom and joy. While Caroline tunes her phrasing visually to respond to Tim’s theme of loss – blurring, dripping, smearing.
For 23 September 2022, Critical Spatial Practice shares Milan Gender Atlas, (Milan, 2021) a dynamic feminist project by Florencia Andreola and Azzurra Muzzonigro, which addresses gender issues in relation to the city in an Italian context. Site-Writing presents Anna Vorsel’s Poetic Water Boundaries as another feminist work. Inspired by Luce Irigaray’s words from Marine Lover of Friedrich Nietzsche, “For there is no peril greater than the sea. Everything is constantly moving and remains eternally in flux” Anna questions the construction of borders in the fluctuating seas, through a poetic visual mediation on watery cartographies. Two further projects develop site-writing’s pedagogic and collaborative possibilities: Maike Statz hosts queer experimental writing workshops – Rainbow Palace and Table Writing, while Tenna Doktor Olsen Tvedebrink and Tina Vestermann Olsen’s one week studio – Site Stories – connects site-writing processes to animation, encouraging architectural design students at Aalborg University to consider the more atmospheric, emotional, and imagined aspects of site.
Having now shared 12 issues of SRWQ, and turned through three cycles of the year, I have come to feel the way the equinoxes and solstices mark time as almost relentless! So I am going to take a breather, to reconsider the project. If you have any ideas for this do get in touch. A massive ‘thank you’ to everyone who has been involved so far for their incredible generosity. If you would like to contribute to either Critical Spatial Practice or Site-Writing I will do an update in late 2023, so please contact me: – j.rendell@ucl.ac.uk. And if you don’t want to receive these updates, let me know, and I can take you off the listing.
Wishing you all well!